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Outbound Telemarketing Sales Rep Profile:
Compare High Performers to Low Producers

Position Overview: Requires the ability to engage key customers and create product demand through a variety of convincing presentations; this is driven by attention to detail and the eagerness to communicate directly with customers.

Predictive Skills: Six characteristics will predict sales rep success in this sales position. Review below how top sales performers will differ from lower performers.


Excites the customer with an enthusiastic presentation style; demonstrates value and actively promotes products and services by making an emotional appeal; holds the customer’s attention and interest by keeping the presentation content relevant; varies style to build toward a buying decision


  • Makes formal presentations that focus on creating an impact while communicating information
  • Has the potential to capture and hold the audience's attention
  • Takes charge and keeps control of the information being communicated through a presentation that is polished and rehearsed
  • Varies his style and content to appeal to the audience
  • Projects his enthusiasm about a solution to the audience, moving them closer to a buying decision
  • Monitors audience response and adjusts his presentation to stay on target


  • May be more comfortable with establishing a dialogue that emphasizes listening and an exchange of ideas than with making an impact on the audience
  • Uses presentations to entertain rather than inform or persuade
  • Sticks too closely to a script and does not vary the content or emphasis to address the needs of each audience
  • Too focused on the mechanics of the presentation itself to pay attention to audience understanding and concurrence
  • Cannot easily adjust to a nonsupportive audience response and may rush an ineffective presentation just to finish it rather than alter the presentation to change that response


Determines the prospect’s potential fit within system modification parameters; efficiently decides the level of effort and focus needed to move the prospect along in the sales funnel or remove them; focuses the majority of effort on assessing the prospect’s level of interest in a system designed for industry or function needs; keeps to a minimum the time spent making modifications to an established system; presses to make progress in the sales process


  • Conducts an effective needs analysis to determine a profitable match between the prospect’s requirement and a system or product designed to accommodate industry or function needs
  • Holds a fact-finding meeting to identify prospect needs and requirements
  • Asks questions at the appropriate approval level
  • Possesses a solid knowledge of the product/service applications in the prospect’s setting
  • Does not allow his time to be consumed by prospects who should be disengaged or deferred based on the quality of business they will provide
  • Is willing to cut ‘cut loose’ an indecisive prospect and focus on those closer to a buying decision or more likely to find satisfaction within the parameters of system or product modification


  • May not analyze how effectively a prospect’s needs can be met without considerable modification of the existing product or service
  • May allow a desire for the business to drive a decision to customize an established system or product to fit a prospect’s needs without consideration of costs or profit potential
  • Lacks an in-depth understanding of product applications and/or the prospect’s business
  • Uses his interest in a prospect’s needs or problems or his compatibility with contacts as the criteria for keeping that prospect in the sales funnel
  • May be slow to ‘cut loose’ noncommitted prospects
  • Diverts time and resources from ‘hot’ prospects by trying to generate increased interest from lukewarm prospects


Probes and resolves concerns preventing a purchase decision in a step-wise fashion; creates an atmosphere that promotes listening, probing, clarification, and resolution of customer concerns; patiently chips away at customer resistance rather than ignore or discount the concerns; remains objective and unemotional, and focused on removing obstacles to the sale; believes strongly in the benefits his system provides and logically addresses issues which interfere with the sale; configures the system to reduce the concerns and ensure maximum benefit


  • Brings objections to the surface and tackles them head-on
  • Chips away at objections rather than sidestep or give up on them
  • Listens to and agrees with the validity of the customer’s concerns
  • Offers solutions that reinforce the benefits while relieving the objections
  • Convinces customers that improvement will be worth the trouble of an interruption in operations
  • Positions own solutions as more desirable than competitive alternatives


  • Misinterprets unspoken objections as nonexistent objections
  • Does not believe there is a realistic chance to find a mutually satisfying resolution to objections
  • Dismisses objections without validating the prospect’s concerns
  • Is argumentative in an effort to overcome versus resolve objections
  • Responds emotionally to objections or resistance perceived to be a personal attack
  • Offers a standard solution or response that does not address a prospect’s unique need
  • Fails to address the potential upheaval in making the transition from one operation or system to another and reinforce the benefits to be gained


Establishes a routine to accomplish his customer contact requirements; takes charge with a contact to provide suggestions for associated products and increased value; stays focused on the selling process and is not distracted or frazzled by time pressure and setbacks


  • Seeks opportunities to increase business by expanding his effort to satisfy customer needs with additional products or services
  • Looks beyond an immediate request or need to offer suggestions or solutions that increase the value for the customer and the scope of the business for the company
  • Does not take rejection personally so he is not hesitant to make suggestions that may be refused or ignored
  • Establishes a routine for efficiently and consistently working customer contacts
  • Resists succumbing to outside pressures or self-doubt that could pull his attention away from the customer


  • Becomes overly focused on immediate customer needs and finds it difficult to see beyond present issues to untapped opportunities for increased sales
  • Adopts a more mechanical approach to selling which responds to specific requests without a continual emphasis on increasing the size and scope of the order
  • Restricts his efforts to explore alternative solutions or options with customers by sticking with existing approaches to the sales process
  • Hesitates to set himself up for possible rejection by taking the lead to suggest product expansions or alternatives
  • May become restless with routine and turns the focus to introducing variety to his approach at the expense of concentrating on meeting targeted results
  • Tends to become distracted by time pressures and to react as opportunities present themselves rather than proactively develop and execute a plan
  • Finds it difficult to maintain the discipline and consistency required to work efficiently


Prefers to communicate ideas and information in person to ensure understanding and solicit feedback; values verbal communications over one-sided written communications for the opportunity to adapt to different situations; recognizes the differences in how people view or hear things, but does not allow these different perceptions to interfere with accomplishing the desired objective


  • Believes verbal contact is more efficient and effective than written information because it can adapt to the differences among and between audiences
  • Seeks feedback to be sure that the message is understood as intended
  • Enjoys the associated contact of delivering a message in person and interacting with others


  • Doesn't expect people to understand or retain verbal instruction or information
  • Relies on written documentation and has a formal style of presenting ideas and communicating information
  • Takes the time to choose words carefully to capture his ideas on paper without distraction from others


Gathers essential information to determine the benefits customers need in order to be sold; is willing to adjust sales approach to fit different buyer motivations; influences or persuades others by determining how the other individual can benefit, and then communicates those advantages


  • Will work to acquire the information needed to determine what benefits will motivate prospects to buy
  • Able to use knowledge gleaned about prospect needs to vary sales approach according to different buyer motivations


  • May not be committed to researching what benefits the prospect needs in order to be sold
  • Might not recognize that prospects have different buying motivations and may sell the same way to all people

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