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Monthly Vistage CEO Peer Group Meetings

The core of the Vistage experience is the group meeting.

The Chief Executive Peer Group: Organizations with revenues greater than $10 million yearly join the CEO program. Members meet once a month for a full day with up to 16 chief executives, presidents, and business owners from non-competing industries.

In a trusted and confidential setting unique to the Vistage experience, members grapple with the issues that can make or break their businesses . . . or their personal lives. They share hard-earned expertise and newly acquired ideas to help each other reach better decisions. Eight times a year meetings include an Expert Speaker Executive Workshop.

The Small Business Peer Group: This program is tailored specifically to match the needs of entrepreneurial companies and organizations with annual revenues between $1 and $10 million. In this case, members meet monthly with two half-day and one full-day sessions per quarter. The four annual full-day sessions include an Expert Speaker Executive Workshop.

Working Issues: Each meeting gives members the opportunity to put their most critical strategic issues out on the table for group discussion. The group chair leads the members through a specific format of issue definition, clarification, re-definition, and recommendations. Members use a special Issue Worksheet to prepare for the discussion.

Expert Speaker Executive Workshops: Vistage has nearly 1,000 expert resource speakers who conduct workshops on every aspect of business results and life balance for personal development and growth. They deliver three hours of professional guidance, new ideas, and real world learning.

Many offer practical tools that members can use to implement quickly in their organizations. For an outstanding example, request a CD copy of Kraig Kramers CEO Toolkit.

Request Free Info Package on Vistage Chief Executive or Small Business Groups